More than 100,000 individuals were forced to evacuate due to the devastating wildfire in Los Angeles, including renowned celebrities such as Tom Hanks, Anthony Hopkins, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, and many others. The fire wreaked havoc, completely destroying hundreds of homes belonging to local residents and tragically claiming the lives of over 20 people.
In response to this tragic event, numerous celebrities have come together to support relief efforts, contributing millions of dollars in donations and physically volunteering their time. For instance, Paris Hilton actively participated by volunteering on the ground. However, Leonardo DiCaprio, who is often referred to as a climate advocate, faced criticism after departing Los Angeles on a private jet.
The public was appalled by the actor’s decision, especially given his well-known stance on environmental activism and combating climate change. His charitable foundation has disbursed over $80 million in donations toward climate-related initiatives and sustainability projects, showcasing his commitment to these causes.
Despite this, DiCaprio and his girlfriend, model Vittoria Ceretti, recently chose to board a private jet from fire-stricken Los Angeles to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. The choice has drawn widespread backlash, as the environmental impact of private jets starkly contradicts the values he publicly advocates.
The internet exploded with criticism, with many pointing out the inconsistency between his actions and his environmental principles. Comments such as “Leonardo DiCaprio is a first-class hypocrite,” “Climate warrior. What an idiot,” and “Imagine losing your multi-million dollar house to a fire, then flying on a private jet to another city to stay in another multi-million dollar house,” flooded social media.
To provide context, the distance between Los Angeles and Cabo San Lucas is over 1,448 kilometers. A private jet traveling this route is estimated to emit between 8 and 16 metric tons of CO₂ into the atmosphere. By comparison, the average person worldwide has an annual carbon footprint of only 4 metric tons. These figures highlight the significant environmental cost of such travel and underscore the contradictions inherent in the actions of self-proclaimed climate champions.