

Pay Attention to Your Body’s Warning Signs


Our bodies constantly communicate information about our health. They send signals to alert us when there are issues. Here are eight bodily indicators you should be aware of:

1. Yellowing Skin

Jaundice, which causes yellow skin and eyes, can indicate liver disease. This occurs when the body cannot eliminate excess bilirubin.

2. White Dots on Nails

White flecks on your nails might be accidental, but persistent spots can signal a deficiency in zinc, calcium, or protein.

3. Thin Lips

Dehydration can cause blisters or cracks on your lips. Alternatively, you might be using the wrong lipstick.

4. Rounded Nails

Clubbed fingernails can indicate chronic lung disease or digestive issues, causing nails to grow and bend downward.

5. Lip Sores


Mouth ulcers can result from hormonal changes or stress. A lack of B-12 can also cause sores.

6. White Lumps on Upper Eyelids

Styes, or white bumps on your eyelids, can occur if you have dry skin or diabetes.

7. Ring Around the Cornea

Arcus senilis, a grey or white ring around the cornea, is common in older adults but may indicate high cholesterol if seen in younger people.

8. Bright Red Tongue

A bright red tongue could signify an infection or vitamin deficiency. Oral herpes can also affect tongue color.

Have you noticed any of these symptoms? Please share your thoughts on the treatment you received.

Case Study: Varicose Veins

Despite wearing compression hose, a 38-year-old woman experienced discomfort, heaviness, and swelling. After undergoing two sessions of branch vein sclerotherapy and Closurefast RFA of the great saphenous veins, her symptoms quickly subsided, and the veins disappeared over several months.


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