Did you know there are 14 main meridians that flow through your body, with 12 of them aligning with the 24-hour clock? This means that every day, there are two hours when a particular meridian becomes the primary focus, affecting a specific part of your body.
These meridians are linked to different body parts, processes, emotions, and experiences. In fact, the time you wake up at night can reveal which meridian might be disturbed.
Waking up at different times during the night can provide insight into what your body and spirit are experiencing. If you find yourself waking up consistently between 3 and 5 a.m., it may indicate a spiritual awakening. This is especially significant if there’s no obvious reason, such as needing to use the bathroom.
Waking Up at 1:00 a.m.
Physical: You might be experiencing circulation issues, particularly with your heart or gallbladder. Mental: This time signifies that you may be carrying a lot of worry and resentment. Spiritual: Your energy is depleted from giving more than you receive. It’s time to focus on self-care and find ways to make yourself happy without relying on external validation.
Waking Up at 2:00 a.m.
Physical: You could be dealing with digestive issues related to your small intestine or liver. Mental: Unresolved childhood energy pockets might be surfacing, affecting you even today. Spiritual: It’s essential to let go of limiting beliefs and ideas inherited from your past.
Waking Up at 3:00 a.m.
Physical: You may have lung issues or struggle to breathe deeply and relax. Mental: You are seeking guidance and direction during your spiritual awakening. Spiritual:
Waking Up at 4:00 a.m.
Physical: Bladder issues or body temperature fluctuations could be waking you up. Mental: You might feel a mix of fulfillment and doubt in your personal life. Spiritual: You are experiencing a period of ascension and significant change. Embrace letting go of the old to welcome the new.
Waking Up at 5:00 a.m.
Physical: Issues with your large intestine or diet may be the cause. Mental: Self-critical thoughts might be preventing you from embracing your achievements. Spiritual: You are reaching a peak in your life, feeling empowered and positive.
Waking up between 3 and 5 a.m. is often a sign of a spiritual awakening. Pay attention to these times as they offer valuable insights into your physical, mental, and spiritual health.