Articles for category: Animals


I recently invested $6,500 in a registered Black Angus bull.

I recently spent $6,500 on a registered Black Angus bull. After introducing him to the herd, he only ate grass and ignored the cows. I began to worry that I had overpaid for the bull. So, I called the vet to examine him. The vet said the bull was very healthy, just possibly a bit ...


Here’s Why You Should Always Leave a Spoon of Sugar in Your Backyard

Many people don’t appreciate bees because they think these insects are just a nuisance. However, in reality, bees are slowly dying out. These tiny creatures are essential since they are responsible for feeding 90 percent of the world’s population. If we eliminate them from our ecosystem, we will face a major disaster. You don’t need ...


A Farmer Discovered Black Eggs and Couldn’t Believe What Hatched!

Perhaps you’ve seen chickens with a few black feathers before, but have you ever encountered chickens that are entirely black? When I first saw these pictures, I thought my eyes were deceiving me. But it’s true. There’s a rare breed of all-black chickens known as Ayam Cemani. Ayam Cemani chickens are completely black—including their feathers, ...